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The solution from active profilers.
SAMON (Spatial Analysis Methods of Offenders' Nodes) is an application to improve the efficiency of crime investigation using the Geographic Profiling (GP) method. Predicted area of offender's home base provided from SAMON can be utilized in the field investigation by combining with the other investigation techniques to narrow down the suspect and to find a clue of finding the suspect. SAMON Project started as a collaborative work of practitioners/researchers in Japan in July 2014. We have developed the desktop application for GP and spread that through the police investigators and analysts in Japan. We are currently providing a trial version of the cloud app here. If you have any query about this, please feel free to contact me.

Interface Sample

Output Sample
Comparison between SAMON and other GP systems
*Search cost: The proportion of the search area (the size of the area with a higher probability than the cell containing the offender's base [Canter et al., 2013]) to the total area of the analyzed area.
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