Shumpei Haginoya
Specializing in investigative psychology, investigative interviewing (victims, eyewitnesses, and suspects) training, polygraph test (memory detection), offender/geographic profiling, and crime linkage.

In Japan's police, Concealed Information Test (CIT) has been widely used in crime investigation to investigate whether an examinee knows the hidden details that only the person who committed a crime (or was involved in it) should know.
CIT is performed using different psychophysiological measurements: heart rate, skin conductance response, respiration, and normalized pulse volume.
Our research focuses on the process of question formulation in CIT and issues related to the objectivity and validity of the testing results.

Investigarive interviewing/ Avatar-training
In child abuse cases, the child's testimony is often the only evidence in the investigation.
However, it is unfortunate that children are susceptible to suggestion, and their testimony may be distorted by leading interviewing methods (e.g, option-posing, suggestive questions).
Meanwhile, extensive research has confirmed that children are more likely to provide trustworthy information in response to open-ended questions.
Our research group is developing a training protocol that enhances open-ended questions-based interview skills by providing interviews with avatars and feedback.

Offender/Geographic Profiling and SAMON
Offender and geographic profiling and crime linkage involve the detection of crime series by the same offender, the prediction of offender's characteristics (e.g., gender and age), the inference of offender's home bases, and the spatiotemporal prediction of future offending.
Currently, my colleagues and I are providing a system (SAMON: Spatial Analysis Methods of Offenders' Nodes) to support the inference of the offender's home bases while conducting extensive research on each analysis method.